+86 21 6888 1813
Unfortunately, a China trademark registration won’t provide protection in other regions and countries. But, JURU’s Global Trademark Service can!
Whether you are interested in other APAC markets such as Singapore, Japan or Korea, or need an globally recognised registration, we can help you apply and secure your trademark smoothly and efficiently.
Every trademark application receives 1-on-1 attention from an in-house expert, whose goal is to streamline the process, overcome hurdles and enable clients to use their brand identities quickly, safely and successfully.
Trademark design & enquiry | 1 working day |
Materials Submission | 1-2 working days |
Acceptance notice | Trademark Office within 3 months |
Trademark Certificate Issued | Completion within 12-18 months |
+8621 6888 1813
+8621 6888 1814
+8621 6888 5595
+8621 6888 1812
Room 307-308, Block B, Tomson Centre, Zhang Yang Road 188, Pudong New District, 20122 Shanghai